November 16, 2013
We had a small ceremony in Deep Creek, Maryland, where we rented a vacation home and gathered with our closest family and friends. Our ceremony was short and sweet, and the highlight was this video we made telling our story so far.
We ate cake.
And we posed for pictures.
Do you see the beautiful arch in background? Daisy refused to have real flowers (being named after a flower made her avoid the real thing). Instead, her mother organized the guests and together we made tissue flowers to decorate the arch we got married under. It was lovely.
Our friend Derek got ordained online and officiated the ceremony.
Daisy’s best friend from childhood (And also her senior prom date!) played music for us all evening.
Once the fun was done, we somehow had to fit all the leftover food back in our subcompact car… along with us and Daisy’s parents.
It was a tight fit!
In all, the wedding was more successful than we had dared to hope. We fed 20 people for four meals, we made our own wedding dinner, and put our own twist on time-honored traditions. Daisy’s wedding dress? A sport dress made in her hometown – we’ll dye it a different color and take it on tour with us. Jason’s wedding outfit? Thank goodness for Amazon prime! Also, it turns out that ‘slim fit’ is not slim enough – we had to have his shirt and vest both taken in. In the end, it was memorable and fun. There was almost no drama, but probably because the house rule was to listen to bridezilla… er… Daisy.
We’ll be taking our ‘honeymoon’ next week in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, on our new touring bikes. We’ll keep updating to let you know how the gear holds up and where we stay when all the campgrounds are closed for the season.
P.S. – For those of you who knew Hamlet, the service dog we trained this last year, you’ll be pleased to know that we are welcoming another trainee after the honeymoon!