Where have we been?

The map below shows the places we camped on our 16-month journey in 2014-2015, before the kids joined the adventure.

2 thoughts on “Where have we been?

  1. Jeff Maloney

    Hey I hope all’s going well. We met on the Port Hardy ferry, I was one of the 2 kayak tourers – Jeff. What a cool and inspirational trip you guys have undertaken!! Hey I live in Auburn (near Tacoma) and have extra room in house if you guys want a break – not sure if you’ve passed by the Puget sound yet… or which way you are heading down from the port angeles area. Anyways safe pedaling and I look forward to following your adventure here.

    1. Jason Post author

      Hey Jeff! We will not quite be going by Auburn (and trying to get out of the Seattle area all in one day) but appreciate the offer. Hope you have more exciting kayak trips soon, and thanks for following along on our trip!


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