Washington Park to Deception Pass State Park (12 mi)

Washington Park campsite

A dude in a full camo tent snored so loud all night, next door! (Although it may have been hard to see him, we could hear him, har har.) That didn’t seem to keep us from sleep though. We started off with more pancakes and got on our way. The hills this morning were quite steep! A few we kicked the kids off to walk for.

One of the very steep hills — at least this one had a sidewalk for the kids!

We stumbled upon a nice little park with a well trimmed field of wildflowers. We stopped there for snack and to take a little break. From there it wasn’t too much farther to the Deception Pass bridge. What a view!! We had to hold on with both hands so we didn’t fall off, so I’m sorry we don’t have a picture for you. ;).

A’s little bouquet from the field we snacked next to

After the bridge we entered the state park and went down and up and down and up … And eventually found the hiker/biker sites. Of course A and H chose the farthest one, but I can’t blame them since it was also the prettiest! Very private/quiet and not too far from the camp store and espresso(!) trailer. By the way, that store has all the camp essentials one could want, I was very impressed!

Making our way to the hiker/biker sites

We made egg burritos for lunch and went down to the beach. There were some waves here, I think because the currents were swift in the area through the pass. We saw stones of nearly every color on the beach. Then, A and H went to the other side of the parking lot to play in the mud at Cranberry Lake. We had a quiet evening.

There were actually waves!
Next to the cold salt water was a (very crowded) warm fresh water lake
Back at camp the kids are washing dishes