
We are the Philtrons: a family of adventurers living in Colorado.  Most of our big adventures are on bicycles, but we also try and get into the backcountry on foot as much as we can.  The kids are already accomplished cyclotourists at ages 6 and 8, having ridden around the Salish Sea in Washington State in 2023 and also the entire Sunshine Coast of British Columbia in 2024.

In May and June 2025 we will be cycling across Spain on the Ruta Via de la Plata, and starting in January 2026 we will be cycling from the tip of South America to places northward. 

On this blog you’ll find stories about our adventures.

If you poke around long enough you will find our writings from a trip we took in 2014-1015, when we rode over 17,000 miles between Anchorage, Alaska and Punta Arenas, Chile. It’s been over a decade, but we are ready to revisit the spirit of cycling adventure with the kids.

36 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Brian D. Bostron, Denver, CO

    You guys are amazing! I heard about you through Cathy Bostron, NYC.

    There are Bostrons in Argentina. A distant cousin in Denver visited them recently. I will try to find out more details.

  2. Angela

    What a great adventure! We are related through the Derksen side/ re your grandmother’s family. Perhaps you may be seeing some of them in your travels! I will look forward to following your shared journey!


  3. Toby

    We loved seeing you here in Bellingham. What a great adventure you have planned! Looking forward to hearing all about it,
    Toby & Steve

    1. Daisy

      Thanks Lynn – we do plan to ride through San Diego, and spend a few days there visiting friends and getting restocked for Mexico and beyond. I would love to see you!

  4. Jana Kattenhorn

    Hi, My name is Jana I was on the first part of the Australian cruise with your folks. I live in California, central valley now. Attended Humboldt State which you will pass by. If you need any assistance when you get to California drop me a line. Not sure when you will reach CA Coastal HWY 1, but be careful. You do not want to meet two motorhomes on the outside curves very narrow and dangerous. Congrats on your graduations and good luck.

    1. Jason Post author

      Thanks, Jana, and we will keep your offer in mind! … Yes, we will definitely be coming through the Arcata/Eureka area (near Humboldt State, of course). We might even drop through during the time when the county fair is happening! (I always enjoy local events like that.)

    1. Daisy

      So good to hear from you Adriano! We are excited too! We will update as often as we can, internet can be hard to find in Alaska…

  5. Xiomara

    Hola, chicos. Estoy haciendo un seguimiento de cómo va el viaje. Pásenlo bien. Llegó la play. Gracias

  6. Lisa Peklo

    Hi bikers. Got word of your trip via Debra Bostron here in West Friendship. Plan to follow your adventure and report on you occasionally in the Howard County Times. What a trip! Cheers. Lisa Peklo

    1. Jason Post author

      Thanks, Lisa! If you’d like to do a Q&A or anything else for the paper, just send a note through the ‘Contact Us’ page – we’d be happy & excited to.

  7. Alice Cyr

    Bill and Rosemary spotted you at the rest stop this side of the turn off to Dawson City. Glad to have the rain this morning, but sorry to have you in it. Wonderful to see you again. You are both so magnificent! Paul would be so proud of you! Cheers, Alice

  8. alaskansonya

    Wow! This is so awesome! I wish I had the strength you two have! I live in Palmer, Alaska and I assume you rode your bike through my town. ;) How exciting to be doing this…I am not good with bikes, but an RV would be fun! haha Good luck and enjoy your trip!

    1. Daisy

      Glad you found our site! Yes, we certainly rode through Palmer, and almost stayed a night there. What a beautiful spot. Thanks for reading!

  9. jim

    Hi Daisy and jason! It is Jim, as in Jim and Wayne who ran into you twice in the Yukon. We are the older guys who were on a mere 7 day tour. I finally checked your blog and it looks great!

    1. Daisy

      Hi Jim – glad you made it to the site! Of course we remember you, until a few days ago you had the distinction of being the only cyclists we met twice. It is certainly different terrain and weather now that we are in southern Oregon. To be honest, we sometimes really miss the far north and its loooong cool afternoons. All the best!

  10. Marco dos Santos

    Hi Philtrons, My name is Marco I recently finished a Vancouver to Mexico Tour. I hosted Ryan in Long Beach, CA. My wife and I are the ones he talked about in his blog.
    Anyway. There is a large gap for camping between Malibu and Dana Point. If you would like a place to stay in between we would love to host you. Just email me if you are interested and I will get back to you.

    1. Daisy

      Marco, Thanks for the note, and the offer! You are right about the camping gap. We actually already snuck through there and stayed with some college friends in Santa Monica, but I still really appreciate that you took the time to contact us. I can’t wait to meet Ryan again somewhere down the road. Best wishes!

  11. Alice

    Hey, you two. I just got your San Diego post card yesterday. Methinks mail comes from the US to Canada by bicycle.

    Had a wonderful six weeks in Europe to mark my upcoming 80th birthday and saw Mama Mia on Broadway on the way back.

    It is minus 2°C this morning so you guys are definitely going in the right direction.

    I have an appointment with the surgeon this afternoon to discuss my F-kedup knee.

    Hugs, hugs, hugs

    1. Jason Post author

      Sounds great, and we are soooo glad we’re not in the cold right now! We’ll have perpetual summer for the next year and we are excited about it. Good luck and quick recovery from surgery if it comes to it!

  12. Brian D. Bostron, Denver, CO

    Hi! Seeing Cathy Bostron/Ray Fishman today in Denver. They are visiting for a few days. Where are you now?

    Hoping to connect with the person that has visited the Argentinian group.


    1. Jason Post author


      Great, hope you have a great visit! We are currently in Merida, on the Yucatan. All is well. – Look forward to hearing about the Argentinians.

      Happy New Year,

  13. Jose Ramon

    Hi guys, I saw you in the hostel San Patricio in Cancun, I was in bicycle too. Your trip is awesome and thank you to share it with us. I’ll follow your posts, and really I wish you to have an incredible adventure! I’m glad to meet you. The universe bless you, and take care of you.

  14. Eduardo

    Hola, esperamos que lo hayan pasado bien en la ciudad de Calama, los atendimos con mucho cariño.
    Mucho éxito en su aventura.

    1. eduardo

      Recuerden lo que aprendieron:
      Equipo de fútbol de Calama: Cobreloa
      Mejor equipo de fútbol de Chile: Colo Colo
      Memoriales de personas muertas en la carretera : Animitas
      Juntar dinero para comprar algo: Hacer una vaca
      Cuando algo vale muy poco o no vale nada: Vale callampa
      Pasarlo muy bien: Pasarlo chancho
      Estar muy enfermo: estar pal gato

      Un abrazo


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